Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Photo montages of Jesus images......

The true face of Jesus.....

However history has portrayed the physical image of Jesus, from whatever religion or culture, my belief is that the true face of Jesus can be said to be from Jesus' own teachings. Although i carry an image in my mind, placed there through my upbringing and cultural background, and the fact that i may use it, feel comfortable with it and accept it, i also recogonise that this image is not the true face of Jesus. 'He died for us so we could live', this for me means in our own way live as Jesus. Therefore the true face of Jesus should be our own reflection.............

Christ of St John of the Cross (Dali, 1951)

This is the true face of Jesus?....

Tuesday, 1 May 2007


The symbol of the Ichthus ranks probably first of importance among Christians.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ichthus is a Christian acronym of Greek words: I=Jesus, Ch=Christ, Th=Theou (God's), U=Uios (Son), S=Soter (Savior). Thus, IChThUS means "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior".

Greek letters meaning Jesus


The Greek name of Jesus Christ is spelled IhsouV CristoV. This means that his initials are the Greek letters "I" (iota) and "X" (chi). His monogram, or "sign," is formed from the superimposed first initials ("I" and "X") of his name.

The initials of his name also happen to be Greek Numerals. The Attic Greek Numeral "I" has a value of "1" and the Numeral "X" has a value of "1,000." The product of the two numerals is therefore = 1000 units. If the circle holding his sign is assigned a circumference of 1,000 units, the diameter of the circle by calculation is 318 units, which is the gematria value of Helios ('hlioV), the Sun. This is just one of the many examples you will find in this book of how the Greeks used gematria to equate Jesus Christ with the Sun. The sign of Jesus Christ has decorated Christian religious objects and churches throughout the world from the 1st century to the present.

South Park representation of Jesus

Christ statue from the Hollywood film Dogma

Idealised image of Jesus

The Passion of Christ

The Passion Of The Christ is an extremely powerful film, for me, it heightens and intensifies my love for Jesus and reminds me to be thankful. In the film Jesus is portrayed typically as he is in Western society, the actor is a handsome man with the most beautiful endeering eyes. But for me i couldn't care less what the actor looks like, the film is to show how God gave his son for us, who was killed and tortured under the most brutal acts of violence.
'God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' John 3. 16