Wednesday, 9 May 2007
The true face of Jesus.....
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
The Greek name of Jesus Christ is spelled IhsouV CristoV. This means that his initials are the Greek letters "I" (iota) and "X" (chi). His monogram, or "sign," is formed from the superimposed first initials ("I" and "X") of his name.
The initials of his name also happen to be Greek Numerals. The Attic Greek Numeral "I" has a value of "1" and the Numeral "X" has a value of "1,000." The product of the two numerals is therefore = 1000 units. If the circle holding his sign is assigned a circumference of 1,000 units, the diameter of the circle by calculation is 318 units, which is the gematria value of Helios ('hlioV), the Sun. This is just one of the many examples you will find in this book of how the Greeks used gematria to equate Jesus Christ with the Sun. The sign of Jesus Christ has decorated Christian religious objects and churches throughout the world from the 1st century to the present.
The Passion of Christ
Friday, 27 April 2007
The real face of Jesus?
There is not one place in the New Testament that describes the appearance of Jesus and Isaiah is usually quoted by Christians when describing the physical appearance of the "Son of God":
52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:
53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
53:3He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Does the picture in Popular Mechanics show the real face of Jesus?
Israeli and British forensic anthropologists and computer programmers, using the techiques of forensic anthropology, produced this artists' conceptualization and is largely based on the work of Richard Neave, retired medical artist from the University of Manchester in England.
Black icon of all time...
In 2004, Jesus was voted greatest black icon of all time by the New Nation newspaper, which prompted a debate about Jesus' skin colour. "Despite the common depictions in Western cultures of Jesus as a blond, blue-eyed hippy looking man, all reasonable evidence points to the fact that Jesus could not have been of Scandinavian extraction and certainly was a brotha of colour," said the paper.
The debate is not new. Throughout the 20th century, black theologians argued that showing Jesus as a white-skinned European is not only historically inaccurate, but profoundly alienating for non-Europeans. Some 20 million Africans were taken as slaves to the New World by Europeans between the 16th and 19th centuries, and images of a white Jesus reinforce the idea that Christianity is a "white man's religion".
Black theologians argue that since Jesus came to bring good news to the poor and oppressed – to set them free from their chains – he should be shown looking like the poor and oppressed, and not like the world's rich and powerful.
Above, left: 'Black Jesus Blesses the children' 20th Century painting.
Right: Bill Taylor's 'Black Jesus' 1939-1942, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
"Black Jesus" redirects here. For the Papua New Guinea cult leader, see Steven Tari.
The race of Jesus has been a subject of debate since at least the 19th century. The physical appearance of Jesus of Nazareth, though with no explicit emphasis on race, was also debated by theologians from early on in the history of Christianity. Different societies have depicted Jesus and most other biblical figures as their own ethnicity in their art, for example he is primarily white in the West, and black in Africa. Such representations are not, in the modern day, usually intended to be historically accurate. The current dominant opinion among secular historians and scientists is that he most likely had swarthy skin, resembling modern-day persons of Middle Eastern descent. Others, however, have suggested other possible racial backgrounds. For some Christians the question is complicated by the belief that his birth was a unique miracle, an "incarnation in flesh of divine substance."
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Piss Christ
By Andrew Hudgins
Posted Wednesday, April 19, 2000, at 3:00 AM ET
If we did not know it was cow's blood and urine,
if we did not know that Serrano had for weeks
hoarded his urine in a plastic vat,
if we did not know the cross was gimcrack plastic,
we would assume it was too beautiful.
We would assume it was the resurrection,
glory, Christ transformed to light by light
because the blood and urine burn like a halo,
and light, as always, light makes it beautiful.
We are born between the urine and the feces,
Augustine says, and so was Christ, if there was a Christ,
skidding into this world as we do
on a tide of blood and urine. Blood, feces, urine—
what the fallen world is made of, and what we make.
He peed, ejaculated, shat, wept, bled—
bled under Pontius Pilate, and I assume
the mutilated god, the criminal,
humiliated god, voided himself
on the cross and the blood and urine smeared his legs
and he ascended bodily unto heaven,
and on the third day he rose into glory, which
is what we see here, the Piss Christ in glowing blood:
the whole irreducible point of the faith,
God thrown in human waste, submerged and shining.
We have grown used to beauty without horror.
We have grown used to useless beauty.
Andres Serrano.......Piss Christ
Piss Christ has always had a lot of controversy surrounding it, within the first two days of the opening exhibition there were two seperate attacks on the artwork, the director of the gallery subsequently closed the exhibition. Below are the two acounts of the attacks of the art work.
The first incident occurred when 51 year old John Allen Haywood took the photograph from the wall and kicked it. Haywood received a one month suspended jail term. After his court appearance he is quoted as saying "You can go so far with taking the piss, you understand....It riles me, it really gets me very upset."1 And when asked what he would say to the artist who's work he damaged, he eloquently replied "I wouldn't like to say nothing to him. I'd just like to punch him on the nose."2
The next day however, two teenagers, aged 18 and 16, were to have considerably more success in their endevour. In an orchestrated attack it was reported one teenager acted as a decoy, kicking a print on the opposite wall which distracted the guards who rushed to subdue him while the other smashed Piss Christ about 8 times with a hammer. When the guards overpowered the perpetrator the hammer fell and struck a security guard on the knee.
Damien Hirst
Wikipedia definition
Jesus (8–2 BC/BCE to 29–36 AD/CE)[1], also known as Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity. He is also called Jesus Christ, where "Jesus" is an Anglicization of the Greek Iesous, itself a transliteration of the Hebrew יהושע Yehoshua or Hebrew-Aramaic ישוע Yeshua, meaning "YHWH is salvation"; and where "Christ" is a title derived from the Greek christós, meaning the "Anointed One", which corresponds to the Hebrew-derived "Messiah".
The main sources of information regarding Jesus' life and teachings are the four canonical Gospels of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Most scholars in the fields of history and biblical studies agree that Jesus was a Galilean Jew, was regarded as a teacher and healer, was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified in Jerusalem on orders of the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate under the accusation of sedition against the Roman Empire.[2][3] A small number of scholars and authors question the historical existence of Jesus, with some arguing for a completely mythological Jesus.[4]
Christian views of Jesus (see also Christology) center on the belief that Jesus is the Messiah whose coming was promised in the Old Testament and that he was resurrected after his crucifixion. Christians predominantly believe that Jesus is God incarnate, who came to provide salvation and reconciliation with God. Nontrinitarian Christians profess various other interpretations regarding his divinity (see below). Other Christian beliefs include Jesus' Virgin Birth, performance of miracles, fulfillment of biblical prophecy, ascension into Heaven, and future Second Coming.
In Islam, Jesus (Arabic: عيسى, commonly transliterated as Isa) is considered one of God's most beloved and important prophets, a bringer of divine scripture, a worker of miracles, and the Messiah. Muslims, however, do not share the Christian belief in the crucifixion or divinity of Jesus. Muslims believe that Jesus' crucifixion was a divine illusion and that he ascended bodily to heaven. Most Muslims also believe that he will return to the earth in the company of the Mahdi once the earth has become full of sin and injustice at the time of the arrival of Islam's Antichrist-like Dajjal.
Celebrated Christ
Greater Research Lab
Jesus 'in the Godless streets of New York'
This was the first image i came across, at first i thought it to be blasphemous and i wasn't quite sure if i was offended or not. But on further reading into the site i discovered it was the work of artists called G.R.L, a group of graffiti artists. They had made small maquettes representing Jesus on the cross and had taken them out to 'the Godless streets of New York', and displayed them in public places hoping to get a reaction from people. I'm not quite sure how i feel about the piece, i like the point that G.R.L were making, but do not quite agree with the image of Christ being taking so lightly.
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Lord Jesus Christ
My blog is now blessed.
I have always been a 'religious' person in my own way, i believe in God and try to live my life to the full, trying not to judge or hate and trying to treat others as i would like to be treated. I have always had a fascination with The Bible, Christianity and religion in general, one aspect in particualar is the physical image of Jesus, and how he has been and is now portrayed in todays modern world.
What is the true face of Jesus?...